Temu: Analyzing Europe's Ecommerce Rising Star

White Paper
Temu: Analyzing Europe's Ecommerce Rising Star

Since its launch, Temu has seen a meteoric rise in traffic and sales in Europe.

In our latest data report, we’ll take a deep dive into the strategies and tactics that made Temu a marketing superstar.

Download the report and get the insights you need to achieve meteoric growth in your ecommerce business.

In the report, you’ll learn:

  • The marketing one-two punch that allowed Temu to achieve close to 8% market share of the top 10 multi-category retailers in France and Italy
  • fun engagement strategy designed to bring Temu customers back to the app again and again
  • The primary channel that resulted in the Temu app seeing an excess of 1.2M downloads a month in the UK

How does this impact your business?

Download the report to find out.

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